Sunday, June 14, 2015

MPA LLC launched Milwaukee Joint NSP Committee & Task Force - May 19, 2015

CITY CENTER MILWAUKEE | DAY 262 | On May 19, 2015, Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC announced its newest step to RE-DEFINE, RE-BRAND and UN-TRAP CORE CONSTITUENTS of the City of Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Joint NSP Committee & Task Force

It is a CALL for ENGAGEMENT by CORE CONSTITUENTS that live in Milwaukee to"in concert" address economic and quality of life injustices through vigorous pursuit with expectations and enforcements for all.
If it's to be, it is up to YOU and ME.
If it's to be, it is up to YOU and ME.

Item # 1
Reporting and Recording allow REFORM. 
It is a good practice for SELF-REPORTING and Reporting of others held in COMPLIANCE mode. 

To identify specifics of change and make immediate corrections.  

Item #2
Be prepared to be "in AWE"

No one is EXEMPT.

Item #3
Neighborhood Strategic Planning in a JOINT format for daily access to information technology, better communication, better decision making, following the money and capacity building.  An inclusion and critiquing of Smart Growth and Vision 2050 for the city of Milwaukee population and then those who come to visit.

We start with a 6-15 month hands-on and city-wide review, assessment and service delivery by the People.  A 2015-2016 version of HUD's Community Development Block Grant strategic planning/exchange in 1995.

Item #4
Highlight and celebrate cultures and cultural differences for inspiration, historic presence and engagement.

Item #5
Massive REFORM in city-wide registration to VOTE; and, hands-on VOTING as a best practice for self-preservation and DUE PROCESS.  

Remove elected-appointed-hired and donor for hire organizations connected to government funding that fail to communicate, provide broad-base neighborhood-level citizen participation, improve conditions of those mired in poverty and uses funding to discriminate and disenfranchise those who live in the city of Milwaukee of Color.

Invest in Referendum changes.
Provide connections for city-wide Referendum changes.

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